School Alerts

Medical Matters

It is important you inform us of any medical condition which might affect your child’s education or for which emergency aid may be necessary e.g. asthma, epilepsy.

Please contact school in person, by phone or letter on each day of the pupil’s absence.

If a child is taken ill in school, it is essential that we are able to contact the child’s parents/carers immediately. It is therefore very important that an updated Emergency Contact form is in school.

If, in the judgement of the school, a child requires hospital treatment then every effort will be made to contact parents/carers immediately. If parents/carers cannot accompany a child to hospital, a member of staff will take them and remain with the child until such time as the parents/carers can get there.

Prescribed medication should be brought to school by the parent or an adult authorised by the parent. Administration of prescribed medication only will be undertaken by designated staff.  Please do not send non-prescribed medicine to school. All medicines must be clearly labelled and kept in the original container; and to comply with our guidelines, the relevant form must be completed. Children will only be given prescribed medication once the form is completed.

Asthmatic children will have access to their inhalers at all times. These should be named and handed to the class teacher. When children are not on the premises e.g. on school outings and visits, inhalers will be kept by the staff who are accompanying them so that children can self-administer when necessary.

Allergies also need to be registered on your child’s records e.g. food allergies, plasters etc.

Hair inspections are not carried out in school, so it is the parents/carers duty to examine their child’s hair regularly. Please inform the school if your child becomes infected with head lice, worms or any other contagious illness.

Intimate Care Policy

Supporting Children with Medical Needs 

First Aid Policy

Click here for information on first aid trained staff

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