The information on this page is currently in the process of being updated
Please click on the pictures and links below to see an overview of what children will be learning in Year 1 this year.
Hatfield uses the Read Write Inc. (RWI) scheme to teach phonics and every child is at a different stage. Phonics is a system which is used to help your child to read. At the end of Year 1, each child will do a Phonics Screening Check to see what stage they are at. To find out if your child is on track, please speak to your child’s class teacher.
For more information about the Phonics Screening Check and how you can help your child, click here.
To watch videos about phonics including how to help your child at home, click here.
Please click here to see the overview for the units that will be taught during English lessons this year.
Science and Foundation Subjects